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Centralized Control: The most notable feature of a command economy is that a large part of the economic system is controlled by a centralized power; often, a federal government. This kind of economy tends to develop when a country finds itself in possession of a very large amount of valuable resources. The government then steps in and regulates the resources. Often the government will own everything involved in the industrial process, from the equipment to the facilities. Supposed Advantages: You can see how this kind of economy would, over time, create unrest among the general population. But there are actually several potential advantages, as long as the government uses intelligent regulations.

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This time frame is an objective in itself and acts as a guideline for fulfillment of the various aspects of the plan. Care must be taken to ensure that the plan period is reasonable and not over enthusiastic or pessimistic about the objectives. The basic function of any plan is to lay down certain policies and adopt strategies which will propel the organization toward its goals. The top management of the organization, in consultation with the subordinates, must outline these strategies. Policies can be of various kinds such as new audit norms for the finance department or changes in hiring practices for the HR department. Strategies are broader in their scope and are more focused on short term or long term results. Alternative strategies and plans must also be formulated as fall backs, in case changes are required during the plan period. Support plans are required for the broader strategies and policies developed by the management. These policies are mostly short term in nature and are done more on the departmental level, they are usually implemented to improve efficiency in the various procedures. Once the various plans are in action, there must be timely reviews to judge whether they are operating according to the given objectives. A plan may look attractive on the boardroom table but may not necessarily work on the assembly line or integrate with the supply chain of the organization.

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It has been argued that this is undemocratic since the decision is made by justices who are not elected officials. In the situation where the ruling was to be overturned, the authority to legalize abortion would fall back to the states. This would reflect the majority opinion since the state legislators are elected through a democratic voting process. However, it would mean that there will be significant differences in the laws in conservative and prochoice states. This would mean that the women desiring to seek an abortion would simply need to cross state lines to obtain one which would have no effect on illegalizing abortion. States should not have their own say in the abortion laws as a result of this.

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