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S. gov. cant get a new way to build a better economy. But the people should also help in the process. I have not protested in the Occupy Wall Street Protest and I dont plan to do so. The future of the Occupy Wall Street Protest depends on a better government and economy. of cousre i do sympathize with the occupy wall street movement. those people, who are striking by wall street for many days so far, have a problem which schould be solved. i think wall street works only for the rich people who compose 5% of the Americans instead the 95% of the rest. wall street has looted money which it makes a big gab between the aristocrat class and the middle class. i support those people to keep protesting and do not give up till they take their rights because when the law makers decide to increase taxes on the middle class they dont mind and even they got beatten if they do mind.

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Our jobs, family, and social responsibilities all get in the way of our personal needsA self care journal helps to remind you that youre indeed important. It helps to fill your cup of wellness continually. It also provides a way to analyze underlying issues that affect your self confidence and self esteem; therefore, result in feelings of well beingIf youre ever feeling less than confident, just open up your journal to help you remember everything youve accomplished!You can use the prompts listed below to help you remember your accomplishments and, in turn, boost your self esteem and confidence. A self esteem worksheet is an example of a tool that offers a list of open ended questions to be can be answered in more than one sentence. Recent studies have found that the use of positive affirmations at the start of a school term resulted in improved academic performance in underachieving students. Self esteem journal prompts used together with affirmations can be a powerful, simple and inexpensive way to grow self confidence. 25 Best Boosting Self Esteem Questions The Ultimate Step By Step Guide to Gaining More Self Confidence Self Respect Vs Self Esteem Whats the Difference?Online Life Coach The Complete GuideBijan Kholghi is a life coach with special psychological education in hypno systemic coaching. His teacher Dr. Gunther Schmidt is the founder of Milton Erickson Institute in Heidelberg Germany, a direct student of Milton H. Erickson, and a leading figure in psychotherapy education in Europe. His highly effective coaching and therapy method help people getting aware of their unconscious pattern and gaining control over them.

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Pierce, though, saw a different kind of potential for a show like this: one that could directly counter and counteract the racist messages prevalent in the media of his time. The issues for him were even more personal than they might otherwise have been: at the time, he had a 3 year old daughter of his own. He thus agreed to serve as a senior advisor on the show, working especially closely with the public television producer Joan Ganz Cooney, one of its two creators the other was the psychologist Lloyd Morrisett. In 1969, the show aired on public television stations across the country for the first time. It was called Sesame Street. It was not only the most imaginative educational show for preschoolers ever designed: it was also, quite deliberately, populated with the most racially diverse cast that public television had ever seen. All the multi ethnic characters adults, children and puppets lived, worked, and played together on a street in an inner city neighborhood, similar if in an idealized way to the streets in which many minority children were growing up. Each show opened with scenes of children of different races playing together. Episodes featured a strong black male role model Gordon, a school teacher, his supportive wife, Susan who later is offered the opportunity to develop a profession of her own, a good hearted white storekeeper Mr. Hooper and more. Within a few years, Hispanic characters moved into the neighborhood as well.

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ascend . and become Ascended Masters. Our treasures in heaven are the talents we have developed and the good that we have performed during numerous lifetimes which we will use to serve others as Ascended Masters. As you read about the Ascended Masters, note the pattern of activities that tends to run throughout their unascended incarnations and continues into their present service as ascended servants of the Divine Plan. Note how Twin Flames work together as Ascended Masters. Through the Ascended Masters, we can behold our future!Our earthly pathway to ascension involves utter dedication to completing the mission given to us by Mother Father God. Working with us on this mission will be our Twin Flame who is most often on a higher dimension. As Earth approaches its ascension in 2012, a steadily increasing number of people are becoming aware of their Twin Flame. Each of the Ascended Masters also achieved ascension with the help of their Twin Flame. We seldom hear this because the truth of Twin Flames has so recently been released into the public domain late 19th into the 20th century. Ascended Master Jesus and Ascended Lady Master Mary of Magdala now called Nada are examples of individuals who worked together on Earth in accomplishing the mission given them as Twin Flames.

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We are growing, flowers in bloom, like the ones my friend stole from her front yard. My invited me to the beach for a late night appreciation of women empowerment and support. When we got there, it was almost high tide and we set up site as far away from the waves as possible. We were each asked to bring flowers to decorate, things that made us feel good, and a journal and pen. We set up our candles and essential oils, we laid the flowers out in the sand, and we shared our thoughts and feelings with one another with occasional hand holding and laughter all under the the cloudy sky in the dark of the night. We were celebrating a Strawberry Moon. Junes full moon if the first one after Summer Solstice and falls very close to Saturn Opposition, when the planet is brighter in the sky than usual. Both lend to an energetic potency for the next two weeks The Moon Deck. In other words, Native American women coined this moon as a time to celebrate the short strawberry season and use it as a time to cleanse: of relationships, possessions, emotional baggage whatever they perceived was no longer serving them. Due to the moon cycle, and its relationship to Saturn, there may be a heightened sense of negative emotions: guilt, shame, sadness and disappointment The Moon Deck. We shared.

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